Abid Benwali & Eric Santamaria - Point Fighting Distance
1m 13s
Spacing is essential to point fighting. Help your students get into that sweet spot where they can attack the opponent, but their opponent can't quite get them.
Distance | Point Fighting | Sparring | Spacing | Defense
Up Next in Taekwondo
Abid Benwali & Eric Santamaria - Hesi...
Using a hesitation is an excellent way to throw your opponent off of your timing. Use this drill to help your students switch up the timing and make good decisions to help them win matches.
Sparring | Point Fighting | Timing | Strategy -
Abid Benwali & Eric Santamaria - Reac...
Develop reaction time and work on a wide variety of techniques will this drill that uses a kicking shield. Your students will need to think fast to determine the proper spacing and technique.
Pad Drill | Sparring | Point Fighting | Footwork | Partner Drill -
Michael Kramp - Push & Kick
This drill emulates being pushed back by a kick in a sparring match, countering with multiple kicks.
Teens | Games | Kicking | Balance | Sparring | Counter Attack