Michael Kramp - A to B Sparring
2m 49s
Do you need a way to spice up your sparring class but maintain high safety standards? This drill helps students block aggressively and counter quickly.
Sparring | Defense | Blocking | Striking | Offense
Up Next in Taekwondo
Michael Kramp - Fight Your Way Out of It
Use knees and elbows instead of extended strikes for greater control and safety. Spinning around before executing techniques on the body shields imitates the confusion associated with a real fight.
Stamina | Sparring | Self Defense | Control -
Michael Kramp - Elevator Kicks
This drill will help your students develop better chambers, balance, and overall kicking technique while striking at three different levels.
Balance | Kicking | Partner Drill | Paddle Drill | Flexibility -
Mike Nebgen - Prearranged Sparring Drill
This drill involves a choreographed, memorized sparring sequence that help students rep self defense techniques and work on focus and concentration.
Distance | Timing | Footwork | Sparring