Michael Kramp - Punch Splat Ladder
1m 53s
This drill uses a jab-cross combo with sprawls, increasing the number of repetitions all the way up and climb back down, just like a ladder.
Warm Up | Striking | Sprawl
Up Next in Taekwondo
Michael Kramp - Kicking Between Fence...
Similar to kicking through a hula hoop, this drill helps students focus on balance and targeting while training their side kicks. If their foot keeps hitting the rails, they are likely not re-chambering enough.
Kicking | Games | Coordination | Balance | Targeting -
Michael Kramp - Double Punch Gauntlet
Your students will navigate through staggered Wavemasters, punching all the way through for a cardio-based warm up.
Warm Up | Punching | Footwork -
Michael Kramp - Clearing The Forest -...
Students will navigate through a set of Wavemasters to work a variety of kicks and master movement that will help with their sparring.
Footwork | Distance | Movement | Kicking | Bag Drill