Michael Kramp - Mirror Mirror
This drill incorporates rhythm into sparring, one of the most important concepts regardless of style. Variations of this drill can include various kicks.
Sparring | Partner Drill | Strategy | Reaction Time | Rhythm -
Justin Ortiz - Twist Kick
This advanced and deceptive kick requires a lot of hip mobility. Pumping a round kick is a great way to set up the twist kick.
Kicking | Sparring | Point Karate | Sport Karate | Point Fighting -
Michael Kramp - Hard Target
One student is the attacker while the other must evade the attacker's techniques to develop better movement for sparring.
Movement | Blocking | Reaction | Kids | Sparring -
Juan Moreno - Establishing Your Front Leg Cut
It is very important to establish your front leg when sparring. Hold the front leg in the middle to control the action in your match.
Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring -
Michael Kramp - 10-10-200
While maintaining a neutral standing position, use a unique approach to get 200 repetitions of punches.
Striking | Power | Partner Drill | Pad Drill | Cardio | Conditioning -
Christine Rodrigues - Ax Kick Drill
Work on the ax kick from a point fighter's point of view. Learn how to disguise your ax kick so the opponent never sees it coming.
Intermediate | Technique | Angles | Footwork | Point Karate | Point Fighting | Sparring | Partner Drill | Kicking | Pad Drill -
Juan Moreno - Double Impact
This drill teaches how to use your opponent's momentum against themselves to amplify the power of your kick.
Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Timing -
Herb Perez - Progression Drills - Stepping
A step is any motion made moving forward, regardless of the speed or distance. Use stepping patterns to progress to kicking combinations.
Olympic TKD | TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring -
Michael Kramp - The Elliptical
Work on explosive speed using a drill similar to mountain climbers that starts up against the bag and ultimately involves fast striking.
Cardio | Speed | Targeting | Focus | Bag Drill -
Michael Kramp - Elevator Kicking
Work on round kicks to the groin, midsection, and head without putting the foot down.
Balance | Kicking | Round Kick | Partner Drill | Paddle Drill | Flexibility -
Michael Kramp - Tag Team Sparring
This light-contact sparring drill teaches control in a fun setting that allows the students to work as part of a group.
Sparring | Self Control -
Michael Kramp - Sparring Combination Relay
This line drill is great for all ages and is a very effective way to get reps of sparring combinations.
Speed | Sparring | Agility | Balance | Adults | Kids -
Michael Kramp - Sock 'em Bop 'em Sparring
This sparring drill takes the big world of sparring and breaks it down into smaller parts. The goal is to monitor the amount of action between two new students.
Sparring | Beginner | Basic | Control | Teaching -
Michael Kramp - Fight Your Way Out of It
Use knees and elbows instead of extended strikes for greater control and safety. Spinning around before executing techniques on the body shields imitates the confusion associated with a real fight.
Stamina | Sparring | Self Defense | Control -
Jadi Tention - Hook Round Kick Progression - Part 5
The fifth step of this progression incorporates an element of spacing. If the opponent retreats during the hook-round, you must add a lunging back fist to cover the distance.
Sparring | Point Sparring | Point Fighting | Kicking | Punching | Spacing -
Michael Kramp - Bungee Sparring
A bungee cord keeps two students together to work on close range sparring. Then, the students will drill teamwork by sparring one pair versus another.
Sparring | Resistance Training | Team Work -
Juan Moreno - Taking Body Points High to Low
Your opponent will likely be focused on defending against the 3-point face kick. Therefore, a fake to the head followed by an attack to the body can be very effective.
Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Technique | Fundamentals | Basics | Beginner | Kicking -
Herb Perez - Multi-Directional Distance Attacking Drill
Work on your round kicks with this drill that incorporates the lead leg, rear leg, and a defensive round kick. This is a very practical drill for Tae Kwon Do sparring.
Olympic TKD | TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Kicking | Round Kick | Paddle Drill -
Michael Kramp - Sock 'em Bop 'em Robots
White belts around the fighters' waists allow for some resistance that will keep the students controlled while they drill different sparring techniques.
Sparring | Resistance Training | Partner Drill -
Justin Ortiz - Defense Against a Round Kick
Try to avoid taking the impact of the attacker's round kick. Use a side step to minimize impact and grab the leg before executing additional strikes or sweeps.
Self Defense | Takedown -
Juan Moreno - Front Leg Distance Drill
These techniques will use the front leg roundhouse kick to adjust distance in a sport Tae Kwon Do match.
Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill | Technique | Fundamentals | Basics | Beginner | Round House | Kicking -
Christine Rodrigues - Round Kick Reaction Drill
Use this drill to work on reaction time. This drill will help you stay on your toes in the ring and be ready to strike.
Sparring | Intermediate | Techniques | Speed | Point Sparring | Point Fighting | Point Karate | Kicking | Round Kick | Pad Drill | Partner Drill -
Juan Moreno - Defense Against a Front Kick - Breaking the Line
Defending against the front leg is vital when competing in sport Tae Kwon Do. This drill will teach your students to break the line and not fight so linearly.
Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Defense -
Michael Kramp - Operation Sparring
This drill uses regular sparring rounds, but every time a student scores a point they get to eliminate one limb of their opponent's.
Sparring | Partner Drill | Strategy