Michael Kramp - Turtle Sparring
Sparring Drills
3m 19s
This drill may look like a Jiu Jitsu or Judo drill, but is really designed to help students understand shifting and how to use their opponent's weight.
Grappling | Shifting | Control
Up Next in Sparring Drills
Justin Ortiz - Switch, Swoop, and Swipe
Now in a closed stance, one can defend the side kick by quickly switching their stance before executing the swoop and swipe. The swoop being the scooping of the leg, and the swipe being a follow-up ridge hand.
Defense | Sparring | Point Karate | Sport Karate | Point Fighting -
Juan Moreno - Kick and Move
This is not only a drill, but a strategy for competition. The goal is to strike the target, then exit the striking zone very quickly by landing a bit short.
Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill | Technique | Fundamentals | Basics | Beginner | Movement -
Justin Ortiz - High X-Block Switching...
Defending against a straight punch, students will use a sequence of small defense techniques to ultimately grab the attacker by the head for a takedown.
Self Defense | Advanced | Takedown