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Michael Kramp - Tag Team Sparring

Sparring Drills • 3m 26s

Up Next in Sparring Drills

  • Michael Kramp - Sparring Combination ...

    This line drill is great for all ages and is a very effective way to get reps of sparring combinations.
    Speed | Sparring | Agility | Balance | Adults | Kids

  • Michael Kramp - Sock 'em Bop 'em Spar...

    This sparring drill takes the big world of sparring and breaks it down into smaller parts. The goal is to monitor the amount of action between two new students.
    Sparring | Beginner | Basic | Control | Teaching

  • Michael Kramp - Fight Your Way Out of It

    Use knees and elbows instead of extended strikes for greater control and safety. Spinning around before executing techniques on the body shields imitates the confusion associated with a real fight.
    Stamina | Sparring | Self Defense | Control