Juan Moreno - Defensive Kicks - 4 Lengths
Sparring Drills
1m 30s
These four techniques will establish four separate distances to protect yourself while sparring. Each of the techniques creates space for a round kick.
Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill | Technique | Fundamentals | Basics | Beginner | Defense
Up Next in Sparring Drills
Michael Kramp - Elevator Kicks
This drill will help your students develop better chambers, balance, and overall kicking technique while striking at three different levels.
Balance | Kicking | Partner Drill | Paddle Drill | Flexibility -
Herb Perez - Setting up the Back Hook...
Use your knowledge of back kick to understand spacing for the back hook kick. Use a Kiyah to cue the students when to kick and develop proper timing.
Olympic TKD | TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Kicking -
Michael Kramp - Push & Kick
This drill emulates being pushed back by a kick in a sparring match, countering with multiple kicks.
Teens | Games | Kicking | Balance | Sparring | Counter Attack