Michael Kramp - Mirror Telegraph
Sparring Drills
2m 26s
Use this drill to teach your students how to read and react to fakes and feints in sparring.
Sparring | Partner Drill | Counter Striking | Teens
Up Next in Sparring Drills
Juan Moreno - Scoring with a Back Leg...
This drill will help your students land the very tricky rear leg round kick. Bait your opponent into a front leg kick, which opens up the body for the rear leg kick.
Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill | Technique | Fundamentals | Basics | Beginner TKD | Kicking -
Michael Kramp - Mirror Mirror
This drill incorporates rhythm into sparring, one of the most important concepts regardless of style. Variations of this drill can include various kicks.
Sparring | Partner Drill | Strategy | Reaction Time | Rhythm -
Justin Ortiz - Twist Kick
This advanced and deceptive kick requires a lot of hip mobility. Pumping a round kick is a great way to set up the twist kick.
Kicking | Sparring | Point Karate | Sport Karate | Point Fighting