Michael Kramp - 10-10-200
Sparring Drills
2m 7s
While maintaining a neutral standing position, use a unique approach to get 200 repetitions of punches.
Striking | Power | Partner Drill | Pad Drill | Cardio | Conditioning
Up Next in Sparring Drills
Christine Rodrigues - Ax Kick Drill
Work on the ax kick from a point fighter's point of view. Learn how to disguise your ax kick so the opponent never sees it coming.
Intermediate | Technique | Angles | Footwork | Point Karate | Point Fighting | Sparring | Partner Drill | Kicking | Pad Drill -
Juan Moreno - Double Impact
This drill teaches how to use your opponent's momentum against themselves to amplify the power of your kick.
Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Timing -
Herb Perez - Progression Drills - Ste...
A step is any motion made moving forward, regardless of the speed or distance. Use stepping patterns to progress to kicking combinations.
Olympic TKD | TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring