Chris Rappold - Defense
Sparring Drills
4m 42s
As instructors we don't just want to focus on physical skills, but we also need to teach our students the mental game. Mental defensive strategies are very important for sparring.
Retention Based Sparring | Sparring | Point Sparring | Point Fighting
Up Next in Sparring Drills
Juan Moreno - Locking the Leg
Punching can score points in sport Tae Kwon Do, but it doesn't help if your opponent is landing a kick while you are landing punch. Lock the opponent's front leg so that only you can score.
Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Technique | Fundamentals | Basics | Beginner | Punching -
Justin Ortiz - Swoop and Swipe
Defend against a lead leg side kick in an open stance by scooping the leg with one hand, following up with a strike by the other.
Defense | Sparring | Point Karate | Sport Karate | Point Fighting -
Jadi Tention - Hook Round Kick Progre...
The fourth step in this progression adds a reverse punch follow up. The hook-round is used to approach the opponent, with the reverse punch aiming to score.
Sparring | Point Sparring | Point Fighting | Kicking | Punching