Damon Gilbert - Wasted Kick
Point Fighting
2m 10s
How should a fighter react when an opponent throws a kick that doesn't do anything? Learn how to counter these wasted kicks.
Defense | Sparring | Point Sparring | Point Fighting
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Chris Rappold - Instructor Sparring S...
What is the proper way for instructors to handle sparring with students? Why doesn't the old school mentality still work?
Retention Based Sparring | Sparring | Point Sparring | Point Fighting -
Chris Rappold - Offense
How do we teach offense to both competitive and non-competitive students? Confidence is key!
Retention Based Sparring | Sparring | Point Sparring | Point Fighting -
Chris Rappold - Defense
As instructors we don't just want to focus on physical skills, but we also need to teach our students the mental game. Mental defensive strategies are very important for sparring.
Retention Based Sparring | Sparring | Point Sparring | Point Fighting