Paddle Drills

Paddle Drills

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Paddle Drills
  • Ernie Reyes Jr. - Spinning Hook Kick Progressions

    Using small hops to keep balance while performing a low hook kick, your students can begin their progression to the spinning hook kick.
    Kicking | Balance | Intermediate | Advanced

  • Ernie Reyes Jr. - Triple Kick Progression Using Paddles

    The triple kick is a popular technique commonly used in Tae Kwon Do. This flutter kick paddle drill will help your students progress to the triple kick.
    Paddle Drill | Kicking | Partner Drill | Tae Kwon Do

  • Ernie Reyes Jr. - Flutter Kick Drill

    These low kicks are great for warm ups and begin the progression to the more difficult double and triple kicks. As your students get stronger, bring the paddles up higher.
    Kicking | Paddle Drill | Tae Kwon Do | Warm Up | Partner Drill

  • Michael Kramp - Windmill

    This drill uses multiple kicks on one foot in different directions to work on balance, chambering, and kicking technique.
    Kicking | Paddle Drill | Chamber | Balance | Pivot

  • Juan Moreno - Kick and Move

    This is not only a drill, but a strategy for competition. The goal is to strike the target, then exit the striking zone very quickly by landing a bit short.
    Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill | Technique | Fundamentals | Basics | Beginner | Movement

  • Juan Moreno - Front Leg Distance Drill

    These techniques will use the front leg roundhouse kick to adjust distance in a sport Tae Kwon Do match.
    Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill | Technique | Fundamentals | Basics | Beginner | Round House | Kicking

  • Juan Moreno - Low-High-Low with Face Kick

    This combination is great for beginner and intermediate students to set up a head kick. These set ups are very important as head kicks are worth three points.
    Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill | Technique | Fundamentals | Basics | Beginner | Intermediate | Kicking

  • Juan Moreno - Scoring with a Back Leg Roundhouse Kick

    This drill will help your students land the very tricky rear leg round kick. Bait your opponent into a front leg kick, which opens up the body for the rear leg kick.
    Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill | Technique | Fundamentals | Basics | Beginner TKD | Kicking

  • Juan Moreno - Defensive Kicks - 4 Lengths

    These four techniques will establish four separate distances to protect yourself while sparring. Each of the techniques creates space for a round kick.
    Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill | Technique | Fundamentals | Basics | Beginner | Defense

  • Juan Moreno - Blade Twist & Flop

    This drill is great for developing speed and hip mobility that is very important for modern sport Tae Kwon Do.
    Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill | Technique | Fundamentals | Basics | Beginner

  • Juan Moreno - Cover Punch

    The first step is to master the checking of the kick and the reverse punch. The reverse punch can then set up a head kick.
    Olympic TKD | Technique | Fundamentals | Basics | Beginner | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill

  • Juan Moreno - Floating the Side Kick Deflection

    Take advantage of electronic scoring systems by deflecting the side kick to slide the foot across the scoring area to land a "round kick".
    Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill | Kicking

  • Juan Moreno - Drilling Kick Techniques

    These variations of individual techniques are not meant to be combos, but training sets to help your students get tons of reps.
    Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill | Kicking

  • Juan Moreno - Front Leg Kick with Follow Up

    The front leg kick is a cornerstone of modern olympic Tae Kwon Do. These combinations will show your students how to follow up the lead leg side kick.
    Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill | Kicking

  • Juan Moreno - Getting to the Blind Spot

    This drill focuses on getting to the back side of the head following a side kick from your opponent. Set up the back side kick with a smaller kick to the inside on the body.
    Olympic TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill

  • Herb Perez - Progression Drills - Part 2

    Changing the height, direction, and speed of your kicks will keep your opponents guessing and give you the upper hand. Make your students better Tae Kwon Do fighters with this drill.
    Olympic TKD | TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill

  • Herb Perez - Combining Front & Rear Leg Distance Drills

    This drill works offense and defense by combining front and rear leg distance drills. Use a two-kick combo in a variety of ways to take your sparring skills to the next level.
    Olympic TKD | TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill

  • Herb Perez - Front Leg - Back Leg Round Kick Drill

    This difficult round kick drill is great for cardio and agility training. Be sure to train in time increments to make the drill easier for your students, with clear goal-setting.
    Olympic TKD | TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Kicking | Speed | Agility | Endurance | Cardio | Paddle Drill

  • Herb Perez - Multi-Directional Distance Attacking Drill

    Work on your round kicks with this drill that incorporates the lead leg, rear leg, and a defensive round kick. This is a very practical drill for Tae Kwon Do sparring.
    Olympic TKD | TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Kicking | Round Kick | Paddle Drill

  • Herb Perez - Front Leg Distance Drills

    These distance drills are very effective for controlling the spacing between you and your opponent through the lens of both offense and defense.
    Olympic TKD | TKD | Tae Kwon Do | Sparring | Paddle Drill

  • Justin Ortiz - Round Kick Warm Up

    Progress through this series of paddle drills to work the round kicks and get your students warmed up for an awesome sparring class.
    Warm Up | Kicking | Sparring

  • Melody Shuman - Pay Attention with Kicks

    Students will be assigned to a specific number. When their number is called, they must run to the spot very quickly and execute four clean kicks on the paddle.
    Kids | Focus | Memory | Kicking

  • Melody Shuman - Speeding Ladders

    Students will be challenged to execute clean front kicks while staying inside a ring, without hitting the body shield on the ground, and popping the paddle with good power.
    Control | Focus | Kids | Kicking | Balance

  • Melody Shuman - Around the World

    One student will perform round kicks in a circle trying to maintain balance and avoid hopping. The other students in class will help out by holding the kicking paddles in a circle.
    Agility | Kids | Pivoting | Kicking | Balance