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Watch Episode 18 - Sequence No. 3 (Closing Sequence)

Watch Episode 18 - Sequence No. 3 (Closing Sequence)

Episode 18 - Sequence No. 3 (Closing Sequence)

Kelly McCann’s Combatives Self-Defense Course • 1m 17s

Up Next in Kelly McCann’s Combatives Self-Defense Course

  • Episode 19 - Sequence No. 4 (Stop-Hit...

    Off-hand face mash
    Shin kick
    Slashing elbow

  • Episode 20 - Situational Self-Offense

    Side head lock
    Front underarm bear hug
    Front overarm bear hug
    Rear underarm bear hug
    Rear overarm bear hug
    Standing rear-naked choke
    Rear double-arm-lock restraint

  • Episode 21 – Counter-Weapons

    Forehand stick strike (block, trap, lock)
    Backhand stick strike
    Pistol to head
    Pistol to chest
    Pistol to side
    Pistol to back
    Defeat a draw (foul the draw to elbow)
    Knife stab
    Knife slash (block, trap, lock)
    Knife ice pick (elbow lock/Biddle)
    Dynamic knife defense
    The “Hail Mary” disarm