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Watch Episode 08 - Wrist Grabs

Watch Episode 08 - Wrist Grabs

Episode 08 - Wrist Grabs

Kelly McCann’s Combatives Self-Defense Course • 4m 42s

Up Next in Kelly McCann’s Combatives Self-Defense Course

  • Episode 09 - Grabbing Attacks (Force ...

    Trap to arm attack
    Clavicle-notch takedown
    Trap and strike
    - Chin jab
    - Uppercut
    - Cupped hand

  • Episode 10 - Power Development (Demps...

    What’s involved?
    Entire bodyweight
    Pushing against the floor using your feet, legs, hips, back and shoulders
    Arms and hands (open or closed)

    1. Moving forward with full bodyweight

    Falling forward
    Springing forward
    Surging upward
    2. Establishing the power line

    3. Relaying ...

  • Episode 11 – Closed-Hand Striking

    Forming the fist
    What the hand is doing and timing (snatching)
    Jab (form, breathing, footwork, straight punching, defending while attacking, sitting down, etc.)
    Cross (form, breathing, footwork, straight punching, defending while attacking, sitting down, etc.)
    Slapping hook (form, breathing, ...