Marti Malloy - Turn Over Transition
1m 29s
On a failed take down attempt by your opponent, this technique will help you get your opponent from the turtle position to their back. You can work this position for time to see how efficient you can be with the movement, or do it for a set number of reps and then switch.
Judo | Sweep | Partner Drill | Ground Work | Partner Drill
Up Next in Judo
Marti Malloy - Judo Arm Bars
Learn this technique when the opponent has entered the turtle position. On the same side that you've entered a hook, enter your arm to secure their arm. Fall to your hip, keeping them tight to your thigh. With your other arm, reach under their leg to complete the roll to the top and finish the ar...
Marti Malloy - Ground Work Transitions
In the middle of a transition from the back to Juji Gatame (arm bar), what do you do if your opponent sits back and you can't complete the roll? Simply grab the hand and perform the arm bar from the side.
Judo | Newaza | Ground Work | Arm Bar | Submission | Partner Drill -
Mike Swain - Push Pull Off Balancing ...
This drill works timing, footwork and posture. Create a boundary for your students. Begin at one end and designate one partner to pull. On the 3rd pull, the other partner works to time a push and take down or trip using the momentum from their partner.
Warm Up | Basics | Judo | Partner Drill