Justin Ortiz - Defense Against a Two-Handed Grab
Hand to Hand
2m 12s
Per usual with self defense, start by making a distraction. Use a traditional Japanese technique to start a sequence of defense techniques to take the attacker down.
Self Defense | Takedown
Up Next in Hand to Hand
Justin Ortiz - High X-Block Switching...
Defending against a straight punch, students will use a sequence of small defense techniques to ultimately grab the attacker by the head for a takedown.
Self Defense | Advanced | Takedown -
Pete Sorce - Inayan Escrima Hand Dril...
The final edition of this series shows how to use striking mitts with the hand drills you have learned in previous MADrills. This version emphasizes the strike at the end of the counter.
Kali | Escrima | Coordination | Self Defense -
Pete Sorce - Inayan Escrima Hand Dril...
Using the previous drills in this series, we will now use chain punching to set up the various hand drills.
Kali | Escrima | Coordination | Self Defense