Marti Malloy - Turn Over Transition
1m 29s
On a failed take down attempt by your opponent, this technique will help you get your opponent from the turtle position to their back. You can work this position for time to see how efficient you can be with the movement, or do it for a set number of reps and then switch.
Judo | Sweep | Partner Drill | Ground Work | Partner Drill
Up Next in Grappling
Mike Swain - Push Pull Off Balancing ...
This drill works timing, footwork and posture. Create a boundary for your students. Begin at one end and designate one partner to pull. On the 3rd pull, the other partner works to time a push and take down or trip using the momentum from their partner.
Warm Up | Basics | Judo | Partner Drill -
Randy Stacey - Goal Positions with Pa...
Students will perform whatever technique the instructor calls on their partner. Assigning the students an "A" or "B" will make it easier for them to know whose turn it is.
Grappling | BJJ | Jiu Jitsu | Games | Partner Drill -
Randy Stacey - Foxtail
Often called "Flag Sparring", this game is great for students to work on motion and stand up principles.
Grappling | BJJ | Jiu Jitsu | Games | Kids