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  • Michael Kramp - Kicking Between Fence Rails

    Similar to kicking through a hula hoop, this drill helps students focus on balance and targeting while training their side kicks. If their foot keeps hitting the rails, they are likely not re-chambering enough.
    Kicking | Games | Coordination | Balance | Targeting

  • Michael Kramp - Ninja Toes

    Students will pick up small pieces of paper with their toes, hopping over to the bucket in a front kick chamber to put the paper away.
    Kids | Balance | Front Kick | Chamber | Kicking

  • Michael Kramp - Up & Over

    Pay attention to hip rotation as your students drill crescent kicks by kicking over their partner's noodle.
    Kids | Kicking | Crescent Kick | Partner Drill

  • Michael Kramp - Drop It Like It's Hot

    Develop hand-eye coordination and speed by having students strike a square pad that is falling from the top of a bag.
    Kids | Coordination | Reaction Time | Pad Drill

  • Michael Kramp - Honey I Shrunk the Kicks!

    Start with large targets and gradually work down to smaller targets to perfect targeting and precision.
    Kids | Kicking | Targeting | Partner Drill | Beginner | Basic

  • Melody Shuman - Ninja Kicks

    This drill requires the students to lift both legs up off the ground at the same time to perform a double front kick. This will develop great coordination and give your students a sense of accomplishment.
    Kids | Focus | Beginner | Games | Coordination

  • Melody Shuman - Don't Lose Your Feet

    One partner swings a stick at their classmate's legs, while the other student must jump over the stick and execute kicks after each jump.
    Kids | Games | Counting | Kicking | Perseverance | Balance | Conditioning

  • Melody Shuman - Frog Jump Relay

    Students must hop all the way to the end of the mat while keeping a focus pad in between their knees. The focus pad prevents students from simply running down the mat.
    Kids | Games | Kicking | Balance | Coordination | Fitness

  • Melody Shuman - Crab Crawl Relay

    The crab crawl is a classic drill that disguises children's fitness by being a fun drill to perform. Using the focus pad helps the student maintain good technique with their crawl.
    Kids | Games | Fitness | Warm Up

  • Melody Shuman - Army Crawl Relay

    Make the classic army crawl a bit more difficult by having the students hold a focus pad in the backs of their knees.
    Kids | Fitness

  • Melody Shuman - Super Ninjas

    This drill can get a bit tricky, but it will help students develop the body control they need to do more advanced kicking skills later on.
    Control | Coordination | Balance | Kids

  • Melody Shuman - Sandwich

    One student will be "sandwiched" between two others that have body shields. Upon the instructor's command, the student in the center must side kick in the proper direction.
    Kicking | Coordination | Focus | Kids

  • Melody Shuman - Ring Punches

    This drill is designed to help young students tell their left and right hands apart. Designate one color to be the right hand and the other to be the left hand, directing the student to strike through each circle.
    Kids | Accuracy | Precision | Punching | Focus

  • Melody Shuman - Ring of Fire

    Students will develop precision and accuracy while working on their chambers to execute side kicks through the hoop.
    Kids | Focus | Precision | Accuracy | Kicking | Chambers

  • Melody Shuman - Plus Jumps

    Body control and focus are necessary for this drill in which students will race to see who can complete a certain number of reps jumping in various directions. Create the plus signs for this drill using escrima sticks.
    Perseverance | Control | Speed | Agility | Cardio | Focus | Kids

  • Melody Shuman - Over the Rocks

    This miniature obstacle course will help students develop balance and coordination as they try to jump between rings and execute clean kicks.
    Balance | Kicking | Kids | Coordination

  • Melody Shuman - Over Under

    Students will practice control to not kick the bar while the instructor tells them wether to kick over or under the bar. Responding to these cues makes this a very good focus and coordination drill.
    Coordination | Focus | Accuracy | Precision | Kicking | Kids

  • Apolo Ladra - Kali for Kids Footwork Drills

    Keeping hands up and focus forward are key concepts for children's martial arts. Maintaining balance is critical for great martial arts technique.
    Kids | Kali | Footwork | Agility | Focus | Coordination

  • Apolo Ladra - Kali for Kids Jumping Drills

    This variation of the open triangle drill involves jumping to develop greater leg strength and agility. It is great for keeping kids focused in a class setting.
    Kids | Kali | Footwork | Agility | Conditioning | Coordination